
In [7]:
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute
from qiskit.extensions.simulator import snapshot
from import circuit_drawer
import numpy as np
import math as m
import scipy as sci
import random
import time
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
S_simulator = Aer.backends(name='statevector_simulator')[0]
M_simulator = Aer.backends(name='qasm_simulator')[0]

#----------- Math Operations -----------
def Binary(N, total, LSB):
    Input: N (integer) total (integer) LSB (string)
    Returns the base-2 binary equivilant of N according to left or right least significant bit notation
    qubits = int(m.log(total,2))
    b_num = np.zeros(qubits)
    for i in np.arange(qubits):
        if( N/((2)**(qubits-i-1)) >= 1 ):
                b_num[i] = 1
                b_num[int(qubits-(i+1))] = 1
            N = N - 2**(qubits-i-1)
    B = []
    for j in np.arange(len(b_num)):
    return B

def QFT(qc, q, qubits, **kwargs):
    Input: qc (QuantumCircuit) q (QuantumRegister) qubits (integer)
    Keyword Arguments: swap (Bool) - Adds SWAP gates after all of the phase gates have been applied
    Assigns all the gate operations for a Quantum Fourier Transformation
    R_phis = [0]
    for i in np.arange(2,int(qubits+1)):
        R_phis.append( 2/(2**(i)) * m.pi )
    for j in np.arange(int(qubits)):
        qc.h( q[int(j)] )
        for k in np.arange(int(qubits-(j+1))):
            qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
    if 'swap' in kwargs:
        if(kwargs['swap'] == True):
            for s in np.arange(m.floor(qubits/2.0)):
                qc.swap( q[int(s)],q[int(qubits-1-s)] )
#----------- Displaying Results -----------

def Wavefunction(obj, **kwargs):
    Prints a tidier version of the array statevector corresponding to the wavefuntion of a QuantumCircuit object
    Keyword Arguments: precision (integer) - the decimal precision for amplitudes
    column (Bool) - prints each state in a vertical column
    systems (array of integers) - seperates the qubits into different states
    show_systems (array of Bools) - indictates which qubit systems to print
    if(type(obj) == QuantumCircuit ):
        statevec = execute( obj, S_simulator, shots=1 ).result().get_statevector()
    if(type(obj) == np.ndarray):
        statevec = obj
    sys = False
    NL = False
    dec = 5
    if 'precision' in kwargs:
       dec = int( kwargs['precision'] )
    if 'column' in kwargs:
       NL = kwargs['column']
    if 'systems' in kwargs:
        systems = kwargs['systems']
        sys = True
        last_sys = int(len(systems)-1)
        show_systems = []
        for s_chk in np.arange(len(systems)):
            if( type(systems[s_chk])!=int ):
                raise Exception('systems must be an array of all integers')
        if 'show_systems' in kwargs:
            show_systems = kwargs['show_systems']
            if( len(systems)!=len(show_systems) ):
                raise Exception('systems and show_systems need to be arrays of equal length')
            for ls in np.arange(len(show_systems)):
                    raise Exception('show_systems must be an array of Truth Values')
                    last_sys = int(ls)
            for ss in np.arange(len(systems)):
    wavefunction = ''
    qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
    for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
        value = round(comp.real, dec) + round(comp.imag, dec) * 1j
        if( (value.real != 0) or (value.imag != 0) ):
            state = list( Binary(int(i), int(2**qubits) ,'L') )
            state_str = ''
            if( sys == True ):
                k = 0
                for s in np.arange(len(systems)):
                            state.insert( int(k+systems[s]),'>|' )
                            k = int(k+systems[s]+1)
                            k = int(k+systems[s])
                        for s2 in np.arange(systems[s]):
                            del state[int(k)]
            for j in np.arange(len(state)):
                    state_str = state_str+str(int(state[j]))
                    state_str = state_str+state[j]
            if( (value.real != 0) and (value.imag != 0) ):
                if( value.imag > 0):
                     wavefunction = wavefunction + str(value.real) + '+' + str(value.imag) + 'j |' + state_str + '>  '
                     wavefunction = wavefunction +str(value.real)+''+str(value.imag)+'j |'+state_str+'>  '
            if( (value.real!=0) and (value.imag==0) ):
                wavefunction = wavefunction + str(value.real) + ' |' + state_str + '>  '
            if( (value.real==0) and (value.imag!=0) ):
                wavefunction = wavefunction +str(value.imag)+'j |'+state_str+'> '
                wavefunction = wavefunction + '\n'

def Wavefunction_orig_modified(obj, **kwargs):
     Prints a tidier version of the array statevector corresponding to the wavefuntion of a QuantumCircuit object
     Keyword Arguments: precision (integer) - the decimal precision for amplitudes
    column (Bool) - prints each state in a vertical column
    systems (array of integers) - seperates the qubits into different states
    show_systems (array of Bools) - indictates which qubit systems to print
    if(type(obj) == QuantumCircuit ):
        statevec = execute( obj, S_simulator, shots=1 ).result().get_statevector()
    if(type(obj) == np.ndarray):
        statevec = obj
    sys = False
    NL = False
    dec = 5
    if 'precision' in kwargs:
       dec = int( kwargs['precision'] )
    if 'column' in kwargs:
       NL = kwargs['column']
    if 'systems' in kwargs:
        systems = kwargs['systems']
        sys = True
        last_sys = int(len(systems)-1)
        show_systems = []
        for s_chk in np.arange(len(systems)):
            if( type(systems[s_chk])!=int ):
                raise Exception('systems must be an array of all integers')
        if 'show_systems' in kwargs:
            show_systems = kwargs['show_systems']
            if( len(systems)!=len(show_systems) ):
                raise Exception('systems and show_systems need to be arrays of equal length')
            for ls in np.arange(len(show_systems)):
                    raise Exception('show_systems must be an array of Truth Values')
                    last_sys = int(ls)
            for ss in np.arange(len(systems)):
    wavefunction = ''
    qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
    for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
        value = round(comp.real, dec) + round(comp.imag, dec) * 1j
        if( (value.real != 0) or (value.imag != 0) ):
            state = list(Binary(int(i), int(2**qubits) ,'L') )

            state_str = ''
            if( sys == True ):
                k = 0
                for s in np.arange(len(systems)):
                            state.insert( int(k+systems[s]),'>|' )
                            k = int(k+systems[s]+1)
                            k = int(k+systems[s])
                        for s2 in np.arange(systems[s]):
                            del state[int(k)]
            for j in np.arange(len(state)):
                    state_str = state_str+str(int(state[j]))
                    state_str = state_str+state[j]
                if( (value.real != 0) and (value.imag != 0) ):
                    if( value.imag > 0):
                        wavefunction = wavefunction + str(value.real) + '+' + str(value.imag) + 'j |' + state_str + '> '
                        wavefunction = wavefunction +str(value.real)+''+str(value.imag)+'j |'+state_str+'> '
                if( (value.real!=0) and (value.imag==0) ):
                    wavefunction = wavefunction + str(value.real) + ' |' + state_str + '>'
                if( (value.real==0) and (value.imag!=0) ):
                    wavefunction = wavefunction +str(value.imag)+'j |'+state_str+'> '
                    wavefunction = wavefunction + '\n'
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute
import numpy as np
import math as m
import scipy as sci

S_simulator = Aer.backends(name='statevector_simulator')[0]
M_simulator = Aer.backends(name='qasm_simulator')[0] 

#Displaying Results 
def Wavefunction_new( obj , *args, **kwargs):
#Displays the waveftmction of the quantum system 
    if(type(obj) == QuantumCircuit ):
        statevec = execute( obj, S_simulator, shots=1 ).result().get_statevector()
    if(type(obj) == np.ndarray):
        statevec = obj
    sys = False
    NL = False
    dec = 5
    if 'precision' in kwargs:
        dec = int( kwargs['precision'] )
    if 'column' in kwargs:
        NL = kwargs['column']
    if 'systems' in kwargs:
        systems = kwargs['systems']
        sys = True
        last_sys = int(len(systems)-1)
        show_systems = []
        for s_chk in np.arange(len(systems)):
            if( type(systems[s_chk]) != int ):
                raise Exception('systems must be an array of all integers')
        if 'show_systems' in kwargs:
            show_systems = kwargs['show_systems']
            if( len(systems)!= len(show_systems) ):
                raise Exception('systems and show_systems need to be arrays of equal length')
            for ls in np.arange(len(show_systems)):
                if((show_systems[ls] != True) and (show_systems[ls] != False)):
                    raise Exception('show_systems must be an array of Truth Values')
                if(show_systems[ls] == True):
                    last_sys = int(ls) 
            for ss in np.arange(len(systems)):
    wavefunction = ''
    qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
    for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
        value = round(comp.real, dec) + round(comp.imag, dec) * 1j 
#    for i in np.arange( int(len(statevec))):
#        value = round(statevec[i].real, dec) + round(statevec[i].imag, dec) * 1j
        if( (value.real != 0) or (value.imag != 0)):
            state = list(Binary(int(i),int(2**qubits)))
            state_str = ''
            if( sys == True ): #Systems and SharSystems 
                k = 0 
                for s in np.arange(len(systems)):
                    if(show_systems[s] == True):
                        if(int(s) != last_sys):
                            state.insert(int(k + systems[s]), '>|' )
                            k = int(k + systems[s] + 1)
                            k = int(k + systems[s]) 
                        for s2 in np.arange(systems[s]):
                            del state[int(k)]
            for j in np.arange(len(state)):
                if(type(state[j])!= str):
                    state_str = state_str + str(int(state[j])) 
                    state_str = state_str + state[j]
            if( (value.real != 0) and (value.imag != 0) ):
                if( value.imag > 0):
                    wavefunction = wavefunction + str(value.real) + '+' + str(value.imag) + 'j |' + state_str + '>   '
                    wavefunction = wavefunction + str(value.real) + '' + str(value.imag) + 'j |' + state_str +  '>   '
            if( (value.real !=0 ) and (value.imag ==0) ):
                wavefunction = wavefunction  + str(value.real) + '  |' + state_str + '>   '
            if( (value.real == 0) and (value.imag != 0) ):
                wavefunction = wavefunction + str(value.imag)  + 'j |' + state_str + '>   '
                wavefunction = wavefunction + '\n'
    #return wavefunction
def QFT(qc, q, qubits, **kwargs):
    Input: qc (QuantumCircuit) q (QuantumRegister) qubits (integer)
    Keyword Arguments: swap (Bool) - Adds SWAP gates after all of the phase gates have been applied
    Assigns all the gate operations for a Quantum Fourier Transformation
    R_phis = [0]
    for i in np.arange(2,int(qubits+1)):
        R_phis.append( 2/(2**(i)) * m.pi )
    for j in np.arange(int(qubits)):
        qc.h( q[int(j)] )
        for k in np.arange(int(qubits-(j+1))):
            qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
    if 'swap' in kwargs:
        if(kwargs['swap'] == True):
            for s in np.arange(m.floor(qubits/2.0)):
                qc.swap( q[int(s)],q[int(qubits-1-s)] )

def QFT_dgr(qc, q, qubits, **kwargs):
    Input: qc (QuantumCircuit) q (QuantumRegister) qubits (integer)
    Keyword Arguments: swap (Bool) - Adds SWAP gates after all of the phase gates have been applied
    Assigns all the gate operations for a Quantum Fourier Transformation
    if 'swap' in kwargs:
        if(kwargs['swap'] == True):
            for s in np.arange(m.floor(qubits/2.0)):
                qc.swap( q[int(s)],q[int(qubits-1-s)] )
    R_phis = [0]
    for i in np.arange(2,int(qubits+1)):
        R_phis.append( -2/(2**(i)) * m.pi )
    for j in np.arange(int(qubits)):
        for k in np.arange(int(j)):
            qc.cu1(R_phis[int(j-k)], q[int(qubits-(k+1))], q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )
        qc.h( q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )
def DFT(x, **kwargs):
    Input: x (array)
    Keyword Arguments: inverse (Bool) - if True, performs a Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation instead
    Computes a classical Discrete Fourier Transformation on the array of values x, returning a new array of transformed val
    p = -1.0
    if 'inverse' in kwargs:
        P = kwargs['inverse']
        if(P == True):
            p = 1.0
    L = len(x)
    X = []
    for i in np.arange(L):
        value = 0
        for j in np.arange(L):
            value = value + x[j]*np.exp(p*2*m.pi*1.0j * ( int(i*j)/(L*1.0) ) )
    for k in np.arange(len(X)):
        re = round(X[k].real,5)
        im = round(X[k].imag,5)
        if( (abs(im) == 0) and (abs(re) != 0) ):
            X[k] = re
        elif( (abs(re) == 0) and (abs(im) != 0) ):
            X[k] = im*1.0j
        elif( (abs(re) == 0) and (abs(im) == 0) ):
            X[k] = 0
            X[k] = re + im*1.0j
    return X

#----------- Custom Operations -----------
def X_Transformation(qc, qreg, state):
    Input: qc (QuantumCircuit) qreg (QuantumRegister) state (array)
    Applies the neccessary X gates to transform 'state' to the state of all 1's
    for j in np.arange(len(state)):
        if( int(state[j])==0 ):
            qc.x( qreg[int(j)] )
#----------- Lesson 6.1 - Quantum Adder ------------
def Quantum_Adder(qc, Qa, Qb, A, B):
    Input: qc (QuantumCircuit) Qa (QuantumRegister) Qb (QuantumRegister) A (array) B (array)
    Appends all of the gate operations for a QFT based addition of two states A and B
    Q = len(B)
    for n in np.arange(Q):
        if( A[n] == 1 ):
            qc.x( Qa[int(n+1)] )
        if( B[n] == 1 ):
            qc.x( Qb[int(n)] )
    p = 1
    for j in np.arange( Q ):
        qc.cu1( m.pi/(2**p), Qb[int(j)], Qa[0] )
        p = p + 1
    for i in np.arange(1,Q+1):
        p = 0
        for jj in np.arange( i-1, Q ):
            qc.cu1( m.pi/(2**p), Qb[int(jj)], Qa[int(i)] )
            p = p + 1
In [14]:
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute
S_simulator = Aer.backends(name = 'statevector_simulator')[0]

q = QuantumRegister(1)
hello_qubit = QuantumCircuit(q)[0])

job = execute(hello_qubit, S_simulator)
result = job.result()
statevector = result.get_statevector()
<class ''>
<class 'qiskit.result.result.Result'>
<class 'qiskit.providers.aer.backends.compatibility.Statevector'>

Registers, Gates and Cirquits

In [15]:
q = QuantumRegister(3)
three_qubits = QuantumCircuit(q)[0])[1])[2])

job = execute(three_qubits, S_simulator)
result = job.result()
Statevector([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j,
            dims=(2, 2, 2))

|000⟩ , |100⟩ , |010⟩ , |110⟩ , |001⟩ , |101⟩ , |011⟩ , |111⟩

The state |100⟩ is represented when the qubit 0 is in |1⟩:

In [20]:
q = QuantumRegister(3)
three_qubits = QuantumCircuit(q)


job = execute(three_qubits, S_simulator)
result = job.result()
Statevector([0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j,
            dims=(2, 2, 2))
In [21]:
q = QuantumRegister(3)
three_qubits = QuantumCircuit(q)


1.0 |100>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
In [22]:
q = QuantumRegister(1)
H_circuit = QuantumCircuit(q)

0.70711 |0>  0.70711 |1>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
In [19]:
q = QuantumRegister(2)
H_circuit = QuantumCircuit(q)

0.5 |00>  0.5 |10>  0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):



In [23]:
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister
M_simulator = Aer.backends(name = 'qasm_simulator')[0]

q = QuantumRegister(1)
c = ClassicalRegister(1)
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,c)


job = execute(qc, M_simulator)
result = job.result()
{'1': 505, '0': 519}
In [24]:
q = QuantumRegister(2)
c = ClassicalRegister(2)
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,c)


M = execute(qc, M_simulator).result().get_counts(qc)
{'01': 245, '10': 282, '00': 253, '11': 244}
In [23]:
q = QuantumRegister(2)
c = ClassicalRegister(2)
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,c)


M = execute(qc, M_simulator).result().get_counts(qc)
{'00': 568, '01': 456}
In [ ]:
q = QuantumRegister(2)
c = ClassicalRegister(2)
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,c)


M = execute(qc, M_simulator).result().get_counts(qc)

Gates - Controlled Phase and Swap


In [25]:
## Controlled Phase Gate - cu1

q = QuantumRegister(2, name = "q")
cu1_qc = QuantumCircuit(q, name = "qc")

print("__ Initial __" )

cu1_qc.cu1(m.pi/4, q[0], q[1])
print("__ Final __" )

__ Initial __
0.70711 |10>  0.70711 |11>  
__ Final __
0.70711 |10>  0.5+0.5j |11>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  cu1_qc.cu1(m.pi/4, q[0], q[1])



In [26]:
q = QuantumRegister(2, name = "q")
swap_qc = QuantumCircuit(q, name = "qc")

print("__ Initial __" )

swap_qc.swap(q[0], q[1])
print("__ Final __" )

__ Initial __
0.70711 |10>  0.70711 |11>  
__ Final __
0.70711 |01>  0.70711 |11>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):

Quantum Fourier Transform

In [27]:
import numpy as np

# Importing standard Qiskit libraries
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile, Aer, IBMQ
from import *
from qiskit.visualization import *
from ibm_quantum_widgets import *
from qiskit.providers.aer import QasmSimulator

# Loading your IBM Quantum account(s)
provider = IBMQ.load_account()
ibmqfactory.load_account:WARNING:2022-06-24 14:17:28,783: Credentials are already in use. The existing account in the session will be replaced.


In [2]:
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister, execute
import math as m
import numpy as np


In [4]:
q = QuantumRegister(4,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.x( q[2] )
print('__ Initial State __')

qc.h( q[0] )
qc.x( q[1] )
qc.y( q[2] )
qc.z( q[3] )
print('\n__ Operator: H + X + Y + Z __')

qc.h( q[0] )
qc.x( q[1] )
qc.y( q[2] )
qc.z( q[3] )
print('\n__ Operator: H + X + Y + Z __')
__ Initial State __
1.0 |1010>  

__ Opertor: H + X + Y + Z __
-0.70711j |0100> 0.70711j |1100> 

__ Opertor: H + X + Y + Z __
1.0 |1010>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
In [28]:
q = QuantumRegister(1,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
print('__ Initial State __')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.z( q[0] )
print('\n__ Opertor: XZ __')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.z( q[0] )
print('\n__ Opertor: XZ __')
__ Initial State __
1.0 |0>  

__ Opertor: XZ __
-1.0 |1>  

__ Opertor: XZ __
-1.0 |0>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
In [29]:
q = QuantumRegister(1,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
print('__ Initial State __')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.z( q[0] )
print('\n__ Opertor: XZ __')
qc.z( q[0] )
qc.x( q[0] )
print('\n__ Opertor: ZX __')
__ Initial State __
1.0 |0>  

__ Opertor: XZ __
-1.0 |1>  

__ Opertor: ZX __
1.0 |0>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):



In [30]:
q = QuantumRegister(2,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.h( q[0] )
qc.x( q[1] )
qc.h( q[1] )
print('__ Initial State __')
qc.h( q[0] )
qc.cu1( m.pi/2, q[1], q[0] )
qc.h( q[1] )
print('\n__ After QFT __')
__ Initial State __
0.5 |00>  -0.5 |10>  -0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  

__ After QFT __
0.5-0.5j |10>  0.5+0.5j |11>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/2, q[1], q[0] )


In [32]:
q = QuantumRegister(3,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[2] )
print('__ Initial State __')
#------------------------- qubit 0
qc.h( q[0] )
qc.cu1( m.pi/2,q[1],q[0] )
qc.cu1( m.pi/4,q[2],q[0] )
#------------------------- qubit 1
qc.h( q[1] )
qc.cu1( m.pi/2,q[2],q[1] )
#------------------------- qubit 2
qc.h( q[2] )
print('\n__ After QFT __')
__ Initial State __
1.0 |001>  

__ After QFT __
0.35355 |000>  0.25+0.25j |100>  0.35355j |010> -0.25+0.25j |110>  -0.35355 |001>  -0.25-0.25j |101>  -0.35355j |011> 0.25-0.25j |111>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/2,q[1],q[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/4,q[2],q[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/2,q[2],q[1] )
In [9]:
q = QuantumRegister(3,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[2] )
print('__ Initial State __')

print('\n__ After QFT __')
__ Initial State __
1.0 |001>  

__ After QFT __
0.35355 |000>  0.25+0.25j |100>  0.35355j |010> -0.25+0.25j |110>  -0.35355 |001>  -0.25-0.25j |101>  -0.35355j |011> 0.25-0.25j |111>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
In [10]:
q = QuantumRegister(2,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.h( q[0] )
qc.x( q[1] )
qc.h( q[1] )
print('__ Initial State __')

print('\n__ First QFT __')

print('\n__ Second QFT __')
__ Initial State __
0.5 |00>  -0.5 |10>  -0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  

__ First QFT __
0.5-0.5j |10>  0.5+0.5j |11>  

__ Second QFT __
0.5 |00>  -0.5j |01> -0.5+0.5j |11>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
In [11]:
q = QuantumRegister(2,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.h( q[0] )
qc.x( q[1] )
qc.h( q[1] )
print('__ Initial State __')
qc.h( q[0] )
qc.cu1( m.pi/2,q[1],q[0] )
qc.h( q[1] )
print('\n__ QFT __')
qc.h( q[1] )
qc.cu1( -m.pi/2,q[1],q[0] )
qc.h( q[0] )
print('\n__ Inverse QFT __')
__ Initial State __
0.5 |00>  -0.5 |10>  -0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  

__ QFT __
0.5-0.5j |10>  0.5+0.5j |11>  

__ Inverse QFT __
0.5 |00>  -0.5 |10>  -0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/2,q[1],q[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( -m.pi/2,q[1],q[0] )
In [36]:
q = QuantumRegister(2,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.h( q[0] )
qc.x( q[1] )
qc.h( q[1] )
print('__ Initial State __')

QFT(qc,q,2, swap=True)
print('\n__ QFT __')

QFT_dgr(qc,q,2, swap=True)
print('\n__ Inverse QFT __')
__ Initial State __
0.5 |00>  -0.5 |10>  -0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  

__ QFT __
0.5-0.5j |01>  0.5+0.5j |11>  

__ Inverse QFT __
0.5 |00>  -0.5 |10>  -0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1(R_phis[int(j-k)], q[int(qubits-(k+1))], q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )
In [33]:
X = [0,1/m.sqrt(8),0,0,0,0,0,0]
FX = DFT( X, inverse=True)

print('_____ DFT\u2020 _____')
for i in np.arange(len(FX)):
    print('State: ',Binary(int(i),2**3,'R'),' Amplitude: ',FX[i])


q = QuantumRegister(3,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[2] )
print('\n Initial WF')
print('\n_____ QFT _____')
_____ DFT† _____
State:  [0, 0, 0]  Amplitude:  0.35355
State:  [0, 0, 1]  Amplitude:  (0.25+0.25j)
State:  [0, 1, 0]  Amplitude:  0.35355j
State:  [0, 1, 1]  Amplitude:  (-0.25+0.25j)
State:  [1, 0, 0]  Amplitude:  -0.35355
State:  [1, 0, 1]  Amplitude:  (-0.25-0.25j)
State:  [1, 1, 0]  Amplitude:  (-0-0.35355j)
State:  [1, 1, 1]  Amplitude:  (0.25-0.25j)

 Initial WF
1.0 |001>  

_____ QFT _____
0.35355 |000>  0.25+0.25j |100>  0.35355j |010> -0.25+0.25j |110>  -0.35355 |001>  -0.25-0.25j |101>  -0.35355j |011> 0.25-0.25j |111>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
In [34]:
X = [0,1/m.sqrt(8),0,0,0,0,0,0]
FX = DFT( X, inverse=True)
print('_____ DFT\u2020 _____')
for i in np.arange(len(FX)):
    print('State: ', Binary(int(i),2**3,'R'),' Amplitude: ',FX[i])


q = QuantumRegister(3,name='q')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[2] )
print('\n_____ QFT + SWAP _____')
_____ DFT† _____
State:  [0, 0, 0]  Amplitude:  0.35355
State:  [0, 0, 1]  Amplitude:  (0.25+0.25j)
State:  [0, 1, 0]  Amplitude:  0.35355j
State:  [0, 1, 1]  Amplitude:  (-0.25+0.25j)
State:  [1, 0, 0]  Amplitude:  -0.35355
State:  [1, 0, 1]  Amplitude:  (-0.25-0.25j)
State:  [1, 1, 0]  Amplitude:  (-0-0.35355j)
State:  [1, 1, 1]  Amplitude:  (0.25-0.25j)

_____ QFT + SWAP _____
0.35355 |000>  -0.35355 |100>  0.35355j |010> -0.35355j |110> 0.25+0.25j |001>  -0.25-0.25j |101>  -0.25+0.25j |011>  0.25-0.25j |111>  
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_79/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
In [15]:
marked = [1,0]
print('marked state: ',marked)
q = QuantumRegister(2,name='q')
anc = QuantumRegister(1,name='anc')
qc = QuantumCircuit(q,anc,name='qc')
qc.x( anc[0] )
print('\n____ Initial State (QFT) ____')
Wavefunction(qc, systems=[2,1], show_systems=[True,False])

X_Transformation(qc, q, marked)
qc.h( anc[0] )
qc.ccx( q[0], q[1], anc[0] )
X_Transformation(qc, q, marked)
qc.h( anc[0] )
print('\n____ Flip the Marked State ____')
Wavefunction(qc, systems=[2,1], show_systems=[True,False])

print('\n____ QFT ____')
Wavefunction(qc, systems=[2,1], show_systems=[True,False])
qc.h( anc[0] )

X_Transformation(qc, q, [0,0])
qc.ccx( q[0], q[1], anc[0] )
qc.h( anc[0] )
X_Transformation(qc, q, [0,0])
print('\n____ Flip the |00> state ____')
Wavefunction(qc, systems=[2,1], show_systems=[True,False])

print('\n____ QFT\u2020 ____')
Wavefunction(qc, systems=[2,1], show_systems=[True,False])
marked state:  [1, 0]

____ Initial State (QFT) ____
0.5 |00>  0.5 |10>  0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  

____ Flip the Marked State ____
0.5 |00>  -0.5 |10>  0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  

____ QFT ____
0.5 |00>  0.5 |10>  -0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  

____ Flip the |00> state ____
-0.5 |00>  0.5 |10>  -0.5 |01>  0.5 |11>  

____ QFT† ____
-1.0 |10>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1(R_phis[int(j-k)], q[int(qubits-(k+1))], q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )

Quantum Adder

In [16]:
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute
import numpy as np
import math as m
In [17]:
q = QuantumRegister(3,name='q')
qc= QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.h( q[0] )
qc.h( q[1] )
qc.h( q[2] )
qc.u1( 3*m.pi/2, q[0] )
qc.u1( m.pi, q[1] )
qc.u1( 0, q[2] )
0.35355 |000>  -0.35355j |100> -0.35355 |010>  0.35355j |110> 0.35355 |001>  -0.35355j |101> -0.35355 |011>  0.35355j |111> 
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.u1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.p method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.u1( 3*m.pi/2, q[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.u1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.p method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.u1( m.pi, q[1] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.u1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.p method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.u1( 0, q[2] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
In [18]:
q = QuantumRegister(3,name='q')
qc= QuantumCircuit(q,name='qc')
qc.x( q[0] )
qc.x( q[1] )
0.35355 |000>  -0.35355j |100> -0.35355 |010>  0.35355j |110> 0.35355 |001>  -0.35355j |101> -0.35355 |011>  0.35355j |111> 
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
In [19]:
qa = QuantumRegister(2,name='a')
qb = QuantumRegister(2,name='b')
qc = QuantumCircuit(qa,qb,name='qc')
qc.x( qa[1] )
qc.x( qb[0] )
print('_____ States to Add Together _____')
#----------------------------- phase contributions from |b>
qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[0], qa[0] )
qc.cu1( m.pi/2, qb[1], qa[0] )
qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[1], qa[1] )
print('\n___ Sum Stored in |a> ___')
_____ States to Add Together _____
1.0 |01>|10>  

___ Sum Stored in |a> ___
1.0 |11>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[0], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/2, qb[1], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[1], qa[1] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1(R_phis[int(j-k)], q[int(qubits-(k+1))], q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )
In [20]:
A_States = [[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]
B_States = [[1,0],[1,1]]
for a in np.arange(len(A_States)):
    A = A_States[a]
    for b in np.arange(len(B_States)):
        B = B_States[b]
        qa = QuantumRegister(2,name='a')
        qb = QuantumRegister(2,name='b')
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qa,qb,name='qc')
            qc.x( qa[0] )
            qc.x( qa[1] )
            qc.x( qb[0] )
            qc.x( qb[1] )
        qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[0], qa[0] )
        qc.cu1( m.pi/2, qb[1], qa[0] )
        qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[1], qa[1] )
        print('\nA:',A,' B:',B)
A: [0, 1]  B: [1, 0]
1.0 |11>  

A: [0, 1]  B: [1, 1]
1.0 |00>  

A: [1, 0]  B: [1, 0]
1.0 |00>  

A: [1, 0]  B: [1, 1]
1.0 |01>  

A: [1, 1]  B: [1, 0]
1.0 |01>  

A: [1, 1]  B: [1, 1]
1.0 |10>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[0], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/2, qb[1], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[1], qa[1] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1(R_phis[int(j-k)], q[int(qubits-(k+1))], q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
In [21]:
qa = QuantumRegister(3,name='a')
qb = QuantumRegister(2,name='b')
qc = QuantumCircuit(qa,qb,name='qc')
qc.x( qa[1] )
qc.x( qb[0] )
qc.x( qb[1] )
print('_____ States to Add Together _____')
#------------------------------ phase contributions from |b>
qc.cu1( m.pi/2, qb[0], qa[0] )
qc.cu1( m.pi/4, qb[1], qa[0] )
qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[0], qa[1] )
qc.cu1( m.pi/2, qb[1], qa[1] )
qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[1], qa[2] )
print('\n___ Sum Stored in |a> ___')
_____ States to Add Together _____
1.0 |010>|11>  

___ Sum Stored in |a> ___
1.0 |101>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/2, qb[0], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/4, qb[1], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[0], qa[1] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/2, qb[1], qa[1] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi, qb[1], qa[2] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1(R_phis[int(j-k)], q[int(qubits-(k+1))], q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )
In [22]:
A = [0,1,1,0]
B = [1,1,0,1]

#A and B need to be arrays of equal length (don't include the extra 0 qubit for A)

print('States to Add Together: ',A,' + ',B)


qa = QuantumRegister(len(A)+1,name='a')
qb = QuantumRegister(len(B),name='b')
qc = QuantumCircuit(qa,qb,name='qc')


print('\n___ Sum Stored in |a> ___')
States to Add Together:  [0, 1, 1, 0]  +  [1, 1, 0, 1]

___ Sum Stored in |a> ___
1.0 |10011>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/(2**p), Qb[int(j)], Qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( m.pi/(2**p), Qb[int(jj)], Qa[int(i)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1(R_phis[int(j-k)], q[int(qubits-(k+1))], q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):

Quantum Subtractor

In [25]:
qa = QuantumRegister(3,name='a')
qb = QuantumRegister(3,name='b')
qc = QuantumCircuit(qa,qb,name='qc')
qc.x( qa[0] )
qc.x( qa[1] )
qc.x( qb[1] )
qc.x( qb[2] )
print('____ States to Subtract ____')
#------------------------------ phase contributions from |b>
qc.cu1( -m.pi, qb[0], qa[0] )
qc.cu1( -m.pi/2, qb[1], qa[0] )
qc.cu1( -m.pi/4, qb[2], qa[0] )
qc.cu1( -m.pi, qb[1], qa[1] )
qc.cu1( -m.pi/2, qb[2], qa[1] )
qc.cu1( -m.pi, qb[2], qa[2] )
print('\n___ Difference Stored in |a> ___')
____ States to Subtract ____
1.0 |110>|011>  

___ Difference Stored in |a> ___
1.0 |011>  
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  qubits = int(m.log(len(statevec),2))
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The return type of saved statevectors has been changed from a `numpy.ndarray` to a `qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector` as of qiskit-aer 0.10. Accessing numpy array attributes is deprecated and will result in an error in a future release. To continue using saved result objects as arrays you can explicitly cast them using  `np.asarray(object)`.
  for i, comp in  enumerate(statevec): #i in np.arange( int(len(statevec)) ):
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( R_phis[k+1], q[int(j+k+1)], q[int(j)] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( -m.pi, qb[0], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( -m.pi/2, qb[1], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( -m.pi/4, qb[2], qa[0] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( -m.pi, qb[1], qa[1] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( -m.pi/2, qb[2], qa[1] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1( -m.pi, qb[2], qa[2] )
/tmp/ipykernel_59/ DeprecationWarning: The QuantumCircuit.cu1 method is deprecated as of 0.16.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. You should use the QuantumCircuit.cp method instead, which acts identically.
  qc.cu1(R_phis[int(j-k)], q[int(qubits-(k+1))], q[int(qubits-(j+1))] )