Aug 12 – 17, 2023
Varna, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

Welcome to the website of the First workshop on Soliton Theory, Nonlinear Dynamics and Machine Learning !

The workshop will take place from 12th to 17th of August 2023 nearby Varna, Bulgaria 

The book of abstracts and the tentative programme can be downloaded by clicking on the image below.



Tentative List of Speakers:

Nonlinear Waves Machine Learning
Vladimir Gerdjikov (Bulgaria) Peter Hristov (CERN)
Radu Constantinescu (Romania) Daniela Doneva (Germany)
Rossen Ivanov (Ireland) ‪Maurice Grinberg‬ (Bulgaria)
Georgi Grahovski (United Kingdom) Stoytcho Yazadjiev (Bulgaria)
Nikola Stoilov (France) Yassen Gorbounov (Bulgaria)
Alina Maria-Pauna (Romania) Venelin Kozhuharov (Bulgaria)
Mirela Babalic  (Romania)
Stoyan Mishev (Bulgaria)


Organized by:

Institute for Advanced Physical Studies
Department of Computer Science, Varna Free University


Scientific Committee:

Vladimir Gerdjikov (Bulgaria)
Peter Hristov (CERN)
Radu Constantinescu (Romania)
Rossen Ivanov (Ireland)
Stoytcho Yazadjiev (Bulgaria)


Local Organizing Committee

Stoyan Mishev
Vladimir Gerdjikov
Teodora Bakardjieva

Supported by:



Please note that the workshop is organized as a hybrid event with "live" in-person or a "virtual" online participation. The support of the Bulgarian Science Fund is under contract КП-06-МНФ/7 from 23.05.2023 г.

Application for this event is currently open.