Aug 12 – 17, 2023
Varna, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

First announcement

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the First Workshop on Soliton Theory, Nonlinear Dynamics and Machine Learning, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the Workshop which will take place nearby Varna, Bulgaria from August 12 (arrival)  to August 17 (closing) 2023. The program of the workshop is expected to include reports  on the recent progress in the field of nonlinear waves and machine learning covering the following topics:

  • integrable systems;
  • soliton theory;
  • machine learning theory;
  • applications of machine learning in natural sciences and applications.

Location and accommodation
The workshop is organized as a hybrid event with "live" in-person or a "virtual" online participation. The scientific reports and discussions will take place at the campus of the Varna Free University (GPS: 43.2573091,28.0261389 ; website: , abbr.: VFU) and also online. Moreover the on-site participants can benefit from the VFU dormitories for accommodation that can be used free of charge by us which is due to a state funding we received recently and a VFU sponsorship.

We collect abstracts for your oral presentations which will be included in a book of abstracts. Please send a file in LaTeX or MS Word format to and/or until 15th of July 2023 which must contain the following fields:


The workshop program will be available in late July.

Workshop Fee and Publishing
The workshop registration fee for on-site participants is 150 euro.

For the workshop proceedings we approached the Journal of Physics, Conference Series to publish our contributions. For those of you who intend to submit an original work following your presentations we require additional 150 euro to the fee which covers the reviewing and publishing of the paper. All submitted papers will be refereed thoroughly and the accepted ones will be published.

The fee must be paid until 30th of July 2023 via bank transfer to

IBAN : BG65FINV91501216618449
Beneficiary: "Institute for Advanced Physical Studies"


  • There will be an official dinner which is partially covered by the workshop;
  • We plan a trip to visit some historical places in Varna and the surrounding area. We will provide the details for the trip in a future announcement.

Looking forward to meeting you in Varna,
Vladimir Gerdjikov and Stoyan Mishev